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Is Your Child's Plumbing Performing Poorly?

chiro for babiesConstipation is a common ailment in babies and children alike. The common patterns we often see in our pediatric patients with constipation include

  • A stressful pregnancy and delivery, including breech presentation
  • A diet high in grains, dairy and processed foods.
  • Problems with allergies, ADHD and autism spectrum disorder
  • Difficulty nursing and a head position that is tilted

The biggest cause of constipation is a subluxation, or misalignment in the spine that affects nerve function.

What Happens in Vagus…

The primary nerve that is involved in constipation is called the Vague nerve. It’s complex, but its function can be measured thanks to our advanced nerve scans. There is nothing invasive about these scans, and they can be completed in just a few minutes.

When the Vagus nerve is compromised, a fight or flight response is produced and your child’s sympathetic nervous system is overstimulated.

The Three “Floors” of Constipation

There are three separate parts to constipation: the upper floor where the stomach and esophagus are, the middle floor where digestion happens and the bottom floor, where absorption and elimination occur. It’s on this bottom floor where your small and large intestines come in, doing the sorting and distributing necessary to have a bowel movement. When there is a challenge present, this process doesn’t happen as it should, causing constipation. Laxatives or any bowel stimulant, such as ‘coffee’ mostly stimulate the lower bowel (elimination), however cause a paralytic ‘slows / stops’ the first and second floor. Yes you get a bowel movement, however you just complicated the next one.

Get Attention Now for a Brighter Future

The resolution for conditions such as constipation lies in the nervous system. We’ll measure your child’s nervous system to see how it’s functioning. The goal is to make sure that anything your child is going through doesn’t develop into a more serious, chronic problem that can plague them well into adulthood.

If you’re ready to book your child’s appointment, contact Five Parks Chiropractic today!

Dr. Jim Roles

james-rolesWhen he isn’t seeing patients and educating them about changing their lifestyle, you can find Dr. Jim doing yard work or in his garage building furniture, which is his constant side project. Stop by the office to learn more about healthy choices that can change your family’s life!

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