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Pediatric Chiropractic at
Five Parks Chiropractic

It surprises many when they see newborns and infants in our practice, benefiting from chiropractic care. After all, why would a child have a bad back?

In fact, physical stressors most commonly begin during the prenatal or birth process. This can cause a variety of complications from colic, trouble breastfeeding, irritability, constipation, and more.

“Probably one of the greatest traumas that you and I face is the birth process,” says ICPA-certified pediatric chiropractor Dr. Jim. “And while the birth process is natural, it can be quite an ordeal. Besides the physical nature of the process, induced labor, epidurals, vacuum extraction and countless other procedures can stress a newborn’s spine and nervous system.”

Not only kids have stressors from early in life, they also live in a busier, more complex generation than we did. Parents schedules are packed, social media is everywhere, and food quality isn’t what it used to be. Simply put, we are more overloaded than ever.

The more ‘stressors’ that build up, the harder it is for our bodies to adapt and overcome, leaving our kids’ nervous system to get stuck on the gas pedal.

If your child is experiencing:

  • Sensory problems
  • Hyperactivity (ADHD)
  • Immunity struggles
  • Digestive challenges
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • and more.

They may be suffering from a vertebral misalignment due to stressors.

“We don’t treat these health issues,” says Dr. Jim. “In fact, chiropractic doesn’t treat or cure anything. All we do is detect and correct neurological disturbances along the spine with gentle adjustments. As your child’s body can better function as it was designed, we have seen all types of symptoms resolve.”

Natural Help for Common Childhood Conditions

Chiropractic care is often helpful with many of the most common health challenges affecting infants and children.

Poor poopers, we see this a lot! The vagus nerve controls the function of the top two-thirds of the gut and can cause gut distress. Delivery or ‘passage either vaginally or c-section is a common cause. During birth, there is a significant amount of physical stress on the upper neck. The vagus nerve exits at this point and is susceptible to irritation, we call this a ‘subluxation. This puts the nerve into a state of hypersensitivity, it ‘over-fires, causing its endpoint, gut, heart, and lungs to be in a state of dis-ease. Reducing motility and elimination, ‘poor pooper. Difficulty in sleep is commonly seen with this challenge.

We are very successful with this condition. We have had hundreds of children resolve this acute or chronic condition. The cause is likely to be in their neck. Two mechanisms can occur. The first is poor immunity, if your child is less than 8 months old, it’s commonly poor immunity. Our kids have not yet developed their full immunity and as a result, are vulnerable to infection. This condition is aggravated if the child is not breastfed, breast milk has significant immune properties. Continuing with immunity challenges, if the child has a history or is currently a ‘poor popper, the immune system will also be compromised. The second cause coming from the neck is a ‘subluxation. This is a misalignment of the spine producing fixation and muscular tension. Muscular tension is the ’cause that produces a reduction of lymphatic flow, they are stuck and backed up. This harbors bacteria that can cause the infection. This is the most common cause in adolescents or adults.

(ADHD) ‘Raging Bulls’ – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is often viewed as a challenging and debilitating condition that negatively affects millions of kids and adults. ADHD is a neurodevelopment disorder that results in trouble paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviors, and being overly active. As a result, a child struggling with ADHD often experiences difficulty in, structured settings, such as school and home settings. They may also struggle with social interactions and maintaining friendships.

(ADD) ‘Drunken Bulls’ – Attention Deficit Disorder is a neurodevelopment disorder as described above without the hyperactivity. These kids are seen with limited coordination and reduced physical skills. Both conditions lead to a reduction in potential. Our kids’ brains go through ‘milestones of development, these milestones are a window that is only open for a specific time period and each milestone builds upon the previous. To ensure our children can reach their full potential these conditions need to be addressed early, and any limiting factors need to be supported as they age and mature.

As Neuro-focused Pediatric Chiropractors, we dive far deeper into the cause than standard doctors, we look at causes that are likely coming from the child’s neurology, not just genetics. Common causes of ADHD & ADD: High-stress high-risk pregnancy, birth interventions; c-section, induction, and forceps delivery. Toxicity from medications at birth: induction, epidural medication.

Early warning signs

  • Difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, and waking feeling rested and energized
  • Poor digestion and frequent bouts of either constipation or diarrhea, poor poppers.
  • Weakened respiratory and immune health, frequently being short of breath and getting sick easily and often.
  • Frequent ear infections and respiratory illness leading to frequent antibiotic use.

If we pay attention to the early warning signs, we can be proactive and healing is more secure, the neurological pattern is NOT as deep!

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurological condition that affects how someone communicates, learns, and interacts with others. Autism is a lifelong condition, but the signs often appear in the first few years of a child’s life. Autism is considered a spectrum condition, meaning each person experiences signs and symptoms that can vary. Most often, those with autism experience difficulty communicating and interacting with those around them, restricted interests, repetitive behaviors, and other symptoms affecting their family, social, or school performance. Limited medical research has been done on the cause of autism, the primary theory is genetics, sadly this reduces additional research. Neuro-focused practitioners see the likely cause as; prenatal maternal stress, birth trauma, and early use of medication and toxins. The medical community treats autism as a psychiatric condition and justifies having children use psychotropic medications. In reality, autism is complex and frequently a disorder of neuro-gastro-immune access and should be cared for as such. Here at FPC we focus on the nervous system providing them with help and their families with hope. So instead of medications for autism, we use gentle, effective, and safe pediatric and neurologically-focused chiropractic care.

Autism can evolve from the same causes and the same warning signs that are seen in ADD, and ADHD. Warning, Autism doesn’t become apparent until 2-3 years old, some cases as early as 18 months have been diagnosed. Therefore this condition can be easily missed in early childhood. Our neurological approach is as much helping as it is to prevent.

When our children are having difficulty sleeping they are in distress. Unlike us, it is not emotional nor is it likely dietary. It comes from two common challenges, gut or brain. In the example of the gut, stress on the vagus nerve is common. The vagus nerve controls the function of the top two-thirds of the gut and causes gut distress. If your child is a poor pooper this is the likely cause of difficulty with sleeping. The other likely cause is the sympathetic nervous system, ‘fight or flight, which causes our children to be in a state of dis-ease. Their brain is excited, they have difficulty finding calm or ‘ease. If your child is fussy, easily irritated, or has food sensitivity, this is the likely cause. Our approach is neurologically-focused, it’s gentle and effective.

(ODD) Oppositional Defiant Disorder is a behavioral condition that affects children and adolescents. It is normal for children to be oppositional and defiant at times, in fact, it is a sign of healthy development. But when a child’s behavioral pattern is disruptive, violent, and persistent, it may be a sign of ODD. ODD is more common in boys at younger ages, but the disorder affects boys and girls equally in their teenage years. It is worth noting that the majority of children and teens who have ODD also have at least one other neuro-developmental challenge, such as ADHD, ADD, Mood disorders, Impulse Control Disorders, or even motor tics.

At Five Parks Chiropractic we help children with conditions such as ADHD, Autism, Sensory Processing Disorders, Asthma, Bowel Dysfunction and more.

Schedule a Consultation

If you have a youngster with special needs, “growing pains” or just isn’t thriving, consider today’s safe and natural chiropractic care. Arrange a no-obligation consultation to learn more about pediatric chiropractic in Arvada. It would be a privilege to partner with you and your child to help them grow up strong, resilient and healthy.

Pediatric Chiropractor Arvada CO | (720) 462-3714